How we keep our beagles
We love keeping our dogs fit and healthy. Our beagles get plenty of exercise, a balanced diet appropriate to their age group, and lots of belly rubs.
Our beagle pack enjoys life in the Suffolk countryside. We live in a village setting and the beagles have lots of different animal friends here, from ducks and chickens to rabbits and horses.
A happy beagle is delightful. Stress causes them to be destructive. So we aim to keep our dogs' mind occupied.
Mental Stimulation
We offer our dogs different kinds of toys to challenge their brains and stimulate a variety of different senses.
A pig's ear or large bone keep their teeth healthy (apart from the tooth brush of course).

Our dogs each have their own bed and we offer them a variety of different resting places to give them a choice. Even with all this choice, our beagles often choose to all share one mattress.
We also provide crates for those moments they like to be alone and away from human interaction.
Keeping Active
Beagles are highly intelligent and they need a lot of stimulation not to get bored.
Each beagle is different, some love the water, some prefer to stay on dry ground. Some love finding things, whilst others prefer chasing balls.
Beagles are fabulous at all sorts of activities, such as trail leading and agility.

Part of the family
Our dogs are part of the family and as such live in our home around the daily chaos that life brings. They do however have their own log cabin, too, for their enjoyment.
But to truly be part of the family, they are pretty much occupying any free space there is. Grooming sessions help with bonding, keep us informed of their condition and give them love.
Running Free
Along with their walks on and off lead, we take our dogs on trips to the woods and the beach to ​experience new smells and sea water.
Once a month we take them to securely fenced dog fields, where they can run as a pack and do what beagles do best: Sniff to their heart's delight and howl.